Rent with us

We want to make finding the perfect home a simple process.

When a property becomes available, we either advertise the property or ask the local authority to nominate applicants.


How we advertise properties

We use the  Inverclyde Common Housing Register (ICHR)  to advertise any available properties. This is a choice based letting scheme which allows you to filter homes by area or your specific needs.

Properties are advertised on the ICHR website as well as in the Larkfield office and the Oak Tree and Cloch Housing Association offices.

We will provide information on our properties including the number of bedrooms, type of property, floor level, and facilities such as central heating, bathing/shower facilities and whether the property has a lift. We will also give you details of the rent and service charges.


Allocating properties

We assess each applicant according to our  priority criteria. The person with the greatest housing need will then be offered the property. 


Other housing options

Your local authority can give you advice on the housing options available to you in the area of your choice. You can also find information on housing options in Scotland on the  Shelter Scotland website.

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