Investing in your homes and community | Latest news

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Investing in your homes and community

We deliver services to over 380 tenants and 570 owner occupiers in the Larkfield area. We want to continue to invest in your homes and community and provide you with affordable and excellent housing services.

At this time of the year, we start planning for our next financial budget which begins on 1 April 2021.

Decisions about our budget will be taken by Larkfield’s Management Committee at its meeting in January 2021 and before that we need to talk to our tenants about our rent review for 2021.

We are living in exceptional times this year and we know that due to the ongoing Coronavirus-19 pandemic you may be facing financial uncertainty. It is important you have the opportunity to give your views on the decision about the annual rent review as it will affect your family budget.

Investing in your homes and community - rent choices for 2021/22

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