Repair response times

The nature of your repair will determine the time in which we have to complete the work necessary.

Repairs are categorised into an emergency, urgent or a routine repair.

Some small repairs will be carried out within a given timescale as part of your 'Right to Repair'

Category Examples Response time
Emergency Repairs where there is risk to your safety, danger to health and to prevent serious damage to the building / total loss of services. We will respond within four hours and complete work within  twenty four hours (unless parts are required)
Urgent Repairs where there is a partial loss to your service that seriously affects the comfort or convenience of occupants or where further damage will occur to a property.

We will respond to gas heating and hot water repairs within twenty four hours

We will respond to general repairs within three working days

Routine Repairs that do not seriously interfere with your comfort or convenience and do not cause further problems to the property.

We will complete gas repairs within three working days

We will complete general repairs within ten working days, with exception of some external repairs which we will complete within twenty working days

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