Become a member

We are a membership organisation - at present we have 96 members.

Our members are people who live in the Larkfield community and others who support and are interested in helping us achieve our objectives.

Why should you become a member?

Becoming a member of Larkfield entitles you to be involved in the development of our services for a range of customers and have a say in how we run our business.

Throughout the year, you will receive copies of our Annual report and accounts and newsletters. You will also be invited to our Annual General Meeting at which you have a right to vote to elect the Committee of Management or, if you so wish, you can stand for election to the Committee.

How to become a member?

To apply for membership you must be over the age of 18 and need to complete an application form and return it to the Larkfield office together with a £1.00 membership fee.  

Larkfield’s Committee of Management will consider your application, and if successful your name will be entered into the Register of Members.

Request a membership form

If you would like a membership application form, please:

  • telephone the office on 01475 630930
  • or send us a message via our online contact us form

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